viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014

We grow up videoconference with Poland

Yestardey we had our first videoconfernce with the 2nd class students. I was with Poland. Everything went very well and we prepared some posters about babies, children, teenagers and adults. Here is the result.

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jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

How the eye works

Today we've prepared an eye to see how it works.

I see you. Can you see me?

martes, 28 de octubre de 2014

The water cycle

During this month students of 3rd nd 4th classes are learning about water. They've studied the water cycle and we carried out the experiment in class.

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014

Again in the newspaper

This month the newspaper has published a new article about our eTwinning projects.

sábado, 11 de octubre de 2014

Project of the month

We keep on with good news because the project "European Passport af Languages" has been selected as project of the month. Here you can see the article.

Proyecto del mes de octubre

Last year's other project "Booky's Books for You" was project of the month last January:

Proyecto del mes de enero

We are back!

We are back and the best thing to start is to get last year prizes and recognitions. This week we gave out the certificates for the stamps and some presents for last year projects.
The two projects "Bookys Books for you" with the 5th and 6th level students and "European passport of Languages" with the 3rd and 4th level students got their stamps.

Algunos de los alumnos que participaron el año pasado en el proyecto "Booky's Books for you"

Alumnos participante en el proyecto "European passport of languages"