viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2016

Safe internet infographics and comics

Our 3rd class students have also done some beautiful infographics with their European partners. You can see them in the school corridor. They aoso did some comics on the computer.

Safe internet with eTwinning

Our 3rd class students are learning how they have to use internet and the computer. They've prepared a video.

miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016

European Quality Label

We are on the way to the 2017 European Prizes as we have won the European Quality Label. Next spring we'll see if we have won, as we have done this 2016.

jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2016

National Quality Stamp 2016

"Our eTwindiary" project received the Spanish National Quality Stamp. Our students from 5th and 6th classes took part in it. Our partners from Poland and Madrid also got it. As a result we got the European quality stamp, first step for the European prizes. Congratulations and thankd for the good work.

Placa recibida por el centro 

domingo, 17 de abril de 2016

National Prize 2016

A new prize for our eTwining projects. This time is the National Prize 2016 for last years project "Are you ready to live in the 21st century?".

Last years students of 3rd and 4th classes took part in this project with schools form Italy, Poland and Portugal.

A big success and a well deserved reward.

Congratulations to everybody!

domingo, 10 de abril de 2016

Animals magazine

The digital magazine about animals is ready. It was a hard work but the results are fantastic. Here you can see it. We also printed the magazine so everybody can see it.

A mag created with Madmagz.

On the newspaper

Recently our students appeared in two articles in two different newspapers.
The first one "El Correo". One reporter went to the school to interview some of the winners and runner up of the European prize.

The second one the newspaper enPortugalete with also a good piece of news.

2nd prize in Europe

Como anunciábamos en días pasados dos de nuestros proyectos eTwinning había quedado entre los 12 mejores de Europa y finalmente nuestro proyecto "Healthy Booky" ha conseguido el segundo premio. Es un gran éxito debido a la dificultad de llegar hasta allí por las diferentes selecciones que hay que ir sorteando.
Los participantes fueron: Sheng Knag, Bireta, Fernando, Carmen, Claudia, Bau y Yasmin ¡Muchas felicidades a todos!

viernes, 11 de marzo de 2016

Reportaje en televisión

La cadena TVE2 ha realizado un programa sobre eTwinning dentro del programa "La aventura del saber". El documental sobre eTwinning es el segundo del programa. Aquí tenéis el vídeo.

lunes, 15 de febrero de 2016

Finalistas premios europeos eTwinning

Nuestro alumnado es finalista de los premios europeos eTwinning con dos proyectos realizados durante el curso pasado. Los proyectos son "Healthy Booky" realizado por 5º y 6º de primaria y "Are you ready to live in the 21st century?" realizado por el alumnado de 3º y 4º. ¡Felicidades a todos!

jueves, 4 de febrero de 2016

Collections video

Aquí podeís ver el vídeo que muestra el proceso que hemos llevado para la realización de la actividad sobre Colecciones.

Our Collections on PhotoPeach

Our collections

We finished the activity about collections. We prepared a Thinglink with our favourite ones.

miércoles, 13 de enero de 2016

Reportaje en la televisión

La cadena de televisión La 2 de TVE ha realizado un documental sobre eTwinning que ha emitido hoy miércoles 14 de enero. Lo podéis ver en el siguiente vídeo.