The also prepared a video:
martes, 31 de marzo de 2015
Be healthy, be happy
The 3rd and 4th graders, in their eTwinning project, are learning about what one should do to be active, healthy and happy. Here you can see the presentation they prepared.
lunes, 23 de marzo de 2015
First English day
Last Tuesday 17th March we celebrated the first English day in school. There were a lot of activities. Here you can see some of them.
martes, 10 de marzo de 2015
Después de la videoconferencia con Rumanía en la que preguntaron ¿Cómo van al colegio?, los alumn@s de segundo recorrieron el colegio peguntando a sus compañer@s y anotándolo en un nuevo gráfico. Todo en inglés, haciendo partícipes al resto del alumnado de su proyecto.
Jobs domino

One of them has been about occupations. They draw pictures of many different jobs and with all of them they made a domino. Now they can play with something done by them.
El alumnado de segundo ha preparado un dominó sobre oficios con sus compañeros europeos. Ahora todos pueden jugar con el mismo juego. Y lo que es aún mejor, con un juego hecho por ellos.
Interview to our cooks
As we were talking about healthy food our last activity ahs been an intervew to the cooks of our school and the Polish one. The anserw were quite similar. You can read the interviews in the following document.
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