lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2015

Christmas cards

Christmas is near and we already prepared our Christmas cards. We sent them and we received the ones from Olsztyn (Poland) and Madrid.
Hemos preparado nuestras postales navideñas para mandar a nuestros socios europeos.

Preparando las postales

Preparadas para mandar


¡Han llegado las postales!

Thank you!

Sportpeople interviews

The next activity of our eTwinning project has been to interview famous sportpeople. We chose two Polish ones: Justyna Kowalczyk, a skier, and Marcin Gortat a basketball player. Here you have the video with the result.

Hemos continuado con nuestras actividades dentro del proyecto Our eTwindiary. En esta ocasión hemos entrevistado a dos deportistas polacos. Con nuestros socios europeos pusimos en común deportistas de cada país, confeccionamos las preguntas que queríamos hacerles y finalmente realizamos la entrevista. En el siguiente vídeo la podéis ver.

domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2015

European Quality Stamps

Our students has won the European Quality Stamps for the three projects in which they took part last year. After the National Quality Stamps this is another step that recognises the good work of our students. Congratulations!

lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2015

Activities we like and don't like

This is a video with the activities done in the eTwinning project about the activities we like and don't like. Enjoy it!

miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015

Digestive system and skeleton

We go on with the Science lessons. This time they did the digestive system poster and a skeleton to learn the bones.

martes, 20 de octubre de 2015

Article in the newspaper

In the October issue of the newspaper there is an article about our eTwinning projects.


Our eTwinning project of this year is called "Our eTwindiary". We are writing a diary about the tings we like and inteerest us.
We have already made two videoconferences. The first one to know each other and a guessing game and the second one to do the survey we prepared about the activities we like and don't like to do. Our partners this year are from Poland and Madrid.

Circulatory system

In second and third cycle of primary students are studying the body systems. They are making several posters. The first one the circulatory system.

Grupos interactivos - Interactive groups

Once a week we work in interactive groups in the English class. We gather in small groups and work helping each other.

lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2015

The winners

We are back to school and the best way to start it is giving out the awards for the National Quality Stamps we received for the projects done last school year. Here you can see some of the winners. Congratulations again to all of them for their good work!

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015

National Quality Stamp 3

Our students from 3rd and 4th levels have won the National Quality Stamp for their project "Are you ready to live in the 21st century?".

All primary students from 2nd class to 6th class taking part in etwinning projects have received the Quality stamp.

Congratulations to everybody!

viernes, 26 de junio de 2015

National quality stamp 2

Another National Quality stamp. This time for the project "Ready, steady... EXPLORE!!
The second level students took part in this project to prepare them for next year CLIL classes. Our partners were Poland and Romania. Congratulations to all the partners!!

domingo, 21 de junio de 2015

National Quality Stamp

The best way to finish the school year is with a prize. And we got it. We got the Spanish Quality stamp for the eTwinning project "Healthy Booky". Our partner from Poland also got it so in November will take part in the European prizes. Congratulations to everybody!

martes, 2 de junio de 2015

Fashion show

The Primary students of school took part in the first fashion show of La Guía. The event took place among the activities done in the eTwinning project "Healthy Booky".

miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2015

eTwinning birthday

On 7th May eTwinning will be 10 years old. We are celebrating this day making a big poster. All the students taking part in European projects took part in its design. You can see it in the hall of the school.

martes, 31 de marzo de 2015

Be healthy, be happy

The 3rd and 4th graders, in their eTwinning project, are learning about what one should do to be active, healthy and happy. Here you can see the presentation they prepared.

The also prepared a video:


Now it's time for seasons. We've made three posters and our partners theirs. We mixed the posters and have very nice pictures.

Weather 2

After two weeks, we finished the observation of  weather in the three countries. We registered the results in a graph.

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2015


Our second graders are learning with their Polish and Romanian partners about weather. Everyday we explore the internet to find out the temperature and the weather in the three countries, then they write it down and finally they put it in our towns.

Two games

Now it's time to show two games so our Polish friends can play in their free time.

Basque sports

We are paractising some Basque sports to show our Polish partners.


Doing exercise with Zuzia

We have started to do exercise. Now we follow Zuzia.

First English day

Last Tuesday 17th March we celebrated the first English day in school. There were a lot of activities. Here you can see some of them.

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow

English day

martes, 10 de marzo de 2015


Después de la videoconferencia con Rumanía en la que preguntaron ¿Cómo van al colegio?, los alumn@s de segundo recorrieron el colegio peguntando a sus compañer@s y anotándolo en un nuevo gráfico. Todo en inglés, haciendo partícipes al resto del alumnado de su proyecto.

Jobs domino

During the las weeks the students of second class have prapared many activities with their partners from Poland and Rmania.
One of them has been about occupations. They draw pictures of many different jobs and with all of them they made a domino. Now they can play with something done by them.

El alumnado de segundo ha preparado un dominó sobre oficios con sus compañeros europeos. Ahora todos pueden jugar con el mismo juego. Y lo que es aún mejor, con un juego hecho por ellos.